6893 Palmer Blvd. Sarasota
FL 34240
The first anniversary of the the Sarasota Urban ReForestation (SURF) microforest at the Celery Field’s will be celebrated on Saturday, October 23, beginning at 9:30 a.m. The microforest is located west of the Celery Fields hill.
The celebration starts with brief presentations on the covered veranda at the Sarasota Audubon Nature Center at 6893 Palmer Blvd., followed by walking tours of the microforest.
During the tours, visitors can learn the names of the many species of trees growing in the microforest, its many benefits for soil and water, and how much carbon it is sequestering, which is being tracked based on the age and size of each tree in the microforest.
Sponsoring organizations featured at this free community event include SURF microforest partners: Florida Veterans for Common Sense Fund, Rotary Club of Sarasota Bay, Solutions to Avoid Red Tide (START), and Sarasota County’s Neighborhood Environmental Stewardship Team (NEST).
Native plant selections were guided by Sarasota Audubon Society and the Serenoa Chapter of the Florida Native Plant Society. Volunteers planted the microforest and maintain it as it goes through its early growth stages. Other contributors include Michael Saunders Foundation, McKeithen Growers, and many private individuals.
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