Veterans in Focus

Veterans in Focus in Action

Veterans in Focus crew setting up the shot on the beach in Middlekirke, Belgium

Veterans in Focus (VIF) trains veterans in photography, videography, and film. FLVCS Fund’s goal is to build VIF into a self-sustaining veteran-owned business.  To that end, FLVCS has contracted with VIF to video their meetings along with other jobs. These jobs provide real-life training for the VIF crew. In addition, VIF has completed video jobs for several non-profits with more jobs underway.

Victory Journey

For example, the documentary film, Victory Journey, is a major undertaking for VIF. The film follows the route of a WWII soldier as he fights from Normandy, France to Germany. Victory Journey’s funding comes from a separate organization. Unfortunately, the film crew had to suspend filming in Europe because of the novel Coronavirus Pandemic.

Veterans in Focus Model

The model for VIF is Green Path Veterans Farm, an urban farm project started by FLVCS Fund. FLVCS Fund built Green Path Veterans Farm into a self-sustaining business. Consequently, in 2019, Green Path Veterans Farm was transferred to an independent non-profit charity, Operation Eco Vets.

If your non-profit or business can use the services of Veterans in Focus, please contact the Project Director, Dave Taylor, a purple heart Vietnam Veteran,

Please make a donation so we can will accelerate our efforts to train veterans in photography, videography, and film.

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