Support FLVCS Fund

April 28, 2020 @ 12:00 pm – April 29, 2020 @ 12:00 pm
2020 Giving Challenge
Philippe Koenig

2020 Giving Challenge

2020 Giving Challenge happening today from noon on April 28 to noon on April 29. Click on image to go to Florida Veterans For Common Sense Fund Giving page. Donate Now!Noon, Tuesday, April 28th – Noon, April, 29th

Please Support Florida Veterans For Common Sense Fund, Inc. (FLVCS Fund) during the 2020 Giving Challenge.  Thankfully, the Patterson Foundation will match your contribution dollar for dollar up to $100. Donations will be used to aid veterans. FLVCS Fund is proud to be an all-volunteer organization of veterans and friends. Fortunately, we have hard working volunteers who are very motivated to help our fellow veterans and community. 

How to participate in the Giving Challenge? 

You can make contributions to FLVCS Fund online, between noon on Tuesday, April 28 and noon on Wednesday, April 29. To do so, please visit the FLVCS Fund Giving Challenge webpage. Alternatively, click on the Giving Challenge banner at the top of the page.  Once you make your secure, tax-deductible* donation, you will receive an email confirmation of your donation and a tax receipt.

How will Donations be Used?

2020 Giving Challenge donations will fund the following FLVCS FUND projects:

  • Veterans in Focus is a social entrepreneurial program for veterans to learn photography, video, and film skills. Veterans in Focus’ first project is a documentary film, Victory Journey, about a WWII soldier’s battles from the Normandy beaches to Germany. Our goal is to build Veterans in Focus into a self-sustaining veteran owned business.
  • SURF (Sarasota Urban Reforestation) is a joint FLVCS Fund project with Rotary Club of Sarasota Bay and START (Solutions to Red Tide).  It will plant trees to prevent run off, filter pollutants, sequester carbon to combat climate change, and beautify the urban environment. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has put this project on temporary hold.
  • Housing for Homeless Veterans commits to provide housing to a homeless veteran or veterans at this year’s Sarasota Stand Down. For the long the term, we are partnering with other organizations to provide housing for homeless veterans.

What is FLVCS Fund’s Track Record?

FLVCS FUND is proud of the following major accomplishments: 

  • Holding the first ever statewide Women’s Veteran Conference.
  • Starting Green Path Veterans Farms. We transitioned it to an independent non-profit organization in 2018, as Operation Eco Vets.
  • Initiating the first ever Sarasota Stand Down for homeless veterans in coordination with Jewish Family and Children’s Services and Salvation Army. The Sarasota Stand Down is a one-day event during which VA staff and volunteers provide food, clothing and health screenings to homeless and at-risk veterans. In addition, veterans also receive referrals for health care, housing solutions, employment, substance use treatment, mental health counseling and other essential services. FLVCS Fund has employed homeless veterans and assisted veterans in applying for VA benefits. FLVCS Fund continues to co-sponsor the Stand Down every year.

Thank You 

FLVCS Fund thanks you for your support for our veteran community. Regrettably, the COVID-19 pandemic causes additional challenges for aiding veterans and our community. Working together we can make a difference.

You can find out more about FLVCS FUND at FLVCS Fund: About Us


Return to FLVCS Fund homepage.

* Donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Please consult a tax advisor to determine the full extent of deductibility for your donation.

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